Awardees of the 2024 SIBECOL and AEET Early Career Research Projects
October 2024
We are pleased to announce that resolutions of the calls for the Starting and Advanced research projects in Ecology led by early career researchers, launched by SIBECOL and AEET for the year 2024, are now available.
The reviewers of both calls have highlighted the outstanding quality of the received proposals, which has made the selection of the awarded projects very competitive. We sincerely thank all the participants of this call and encourage them to continue working to pursue high scientific standards with enthusiasm and creativity.
Fifth call of SIBECOL Projects for Early Career Researchers – 2024
The aim of this call is to support early career ecologists by providing them funding opportunities, fostering the collaboration among them, and promoting multi- and interdisciplinary research in Ecology.
The general statistical descriptors of the revisions are:

Below are indicated the awarded projects (those obtaining the endowments) and the pre-selected projects (the two projects within each category that got the 2nd and 3rd highest marks):
Starting early career researchers project fellowship (Starting ECR) (endowment €3000)
-The awarded project for the Starting ECR fellowship is:

-The pre-selected projects for the Starting ECR fellowships are:

Advanced early career researchers project grant (Advanced ECR) (endowment €4000)
-The awarded project for the Advanced ECR fellowship is:

-The pre-selected projects for the Advanced ECR fellowships are:

The list of all the participants can be downloaded here
This is the link to the resolution of the research projects in Ecology led by early career researchers, launched by AEET
We are pleased to announce that resolutions of the calls for the Starting and Advanced research projects in Ecology led by early career researchers, launched by SIBECOL and AEET for the year 2024, are now available.
The reviewers of both calls have highlighted the outstanding quality of the received proposals, which has made the selection of the awarded projects very competitive. We sincerely thank all the participants of this call and encourage them to continue working to pursue high scientific standards with enthusiasm and creativity.
Fifth call of SIBECOL Projects for Early Career Researchers – 2024
The aim of this call is to support early career ecologists by providing them funding opportunities, fostering the collaboration among them, and promoting multi- and interdisciplinary research in Ecology.
The general statistical descriptors of the revisions are:

Below are indicated the awarded projects (those obtaining the endowments) and the pre-selected projects (the two projects within each category that got the 2nd and 3rd highest marks):
Starting early career researchers project fellowship (Starting ECR) (endowment €3000)
-The awarded project for the Starting ECR fellowship is:

-The pre-selected projects for the Starting ECR fellowships are:

Advanced early career researchers project grant (Advanced ECR) (endowment €4000)
-The awarded project for the Advanced ECR fellowship is:

-The pre-selected projects for the Advanced ECR fellowships are:

The list of all the participants can be downloaded here
This is the link to the resolution of the research projects in Ecology led by early career researchers, launched by AEET