Call for the attribution of grants to register at the AIL/SIBECOL meeting in Aveiro in 2022
The Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) and the Society of Iberian Ecology (SIBECOL) offers 10 grants to attend and present a communication at the AIL/SIBECOL meeting in Aveiro (3-8 July 2022), https://sibecol-ail-meeting202...).
Meeting grants will cover the early registration fee established (225€ for students, 350€ for postdocs).
Seven of the grants will be awarded to students and three to post-doc researchers.
Only young researchers members of the Young AIL group (J-AIL) and SIBECOL that have their AIL/SIBECOL fees updated when this call opens can submit an application. Young researchers are students and post-doctoral researchers that have defended their PhD thesis up to six years before the opening of this call.
The application form and associated documents need to be sent by e-mail, in a single PDF file, to the AIL secretary ( until 31 March 2022 at 9 am (Portuguese time) / 10 am (Spanish time).
We encourage you to participate!
See you in July in Aveiro!